Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Wooden Nickel #2, Skype for Educators

This is the recording of the session on Skype for Educators that I presented at Infotech 2008, our local Educational Technology conference in Los Angeles, CA.

This was an introduction to Skype for teachers. I reviewed the basics for Skype and how to get started. I talked about the use of skype for collaboration with other educators. I also talked about the possibilities for connecting with other classrooms. We even did a demonstration with Matt Montagne and Pam Shoemaker, two educators in my network. In our call we talked about the EarthDay Webcastathon coming up on April 22nd.

All my presentation notes and links can be found at my presentation wiki: Skype for Educators.

Download The Wooden Nickel #2.


Mr. Kimmi said...

Thank you for this podcast and info. I have been fervently trying to get my district on board with Skype for a while now. I have talked people's ears off, started a Diigo group, and blogged my frustrations. The district is finally putting together a software committee to weigh the value of software, such as Skype, and what do you know, I was asked to be on it. Hopefully they will unblock and support it by this summer so we can work together.

Thanks for your continued support of my blog, I appreciate all the comments and promise to repay in due time.

But asnwer this, how as an educator do you have time for a family, a class, two blogs, and It's Elementary? Not to mention all you did with EarthCast08...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm in 8th grade and my teacher has one, I've always wanted to know how they worked because I wanted to get one thanks for this info and commenting on my blog.